Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Black Death And The Plague Outbreak - 1331 Words

Kaleb Erhardt Allen World History 101 20 April 2015 Diseases have always been a threat to humans, all throughout history. One of the most destructive disease outbreaks in history was the plague outbreak which peaked in 1346 to 1353, in Europe, commonly known as the Black Death. This plague outbreak was extremely deadly and killed 30-60% of the European population at the time of the outbreak. The outbreak is commonly believed to have been caused by the bubonic plague, but modern evidence suggests that the Black Death was caused by pneumonic plague, a much more contagious and deadly infection. The Black Death was the second major plague outbreak in history, the first being the Justinian Plague in 541. The Black Death is believed to have been started in Central Asia. It was then spread to Europe with trade and attacks from Mongol armies. Most notable of these attacks was an attack on the major trade city of Caffa. Many believe that during the Siege of Caffa in 1346 Mongols catapulted infected bodies into the city, as an ear ly form of biological warfare, but the exact method of the outbreaks entrance into Europe is unknown, as research on the Siege of Caffa has shown: â€Å"Based on published translations of the de’ Mussi manuscript, other 14th-century accounts of the Black Death, and secondary scholarly literature, I conclude that the claim that biological warfare was used at Caffa is plausible and provides the best explanation of the entry of plague into the city. This theory isShow MoreRelatedThe London Plague Of 1348 And 16651692 Words   |  7 PagesThe London Plagues of 1348 and 1665 The London Plagues refers to two periods of disease outbreak in England. One plague, the Black Death, began in 1348. Another plague, the Great Plague, began in 1665. Both of these outbreaks killed a substantial amount of the population at the time. The plague exists in two forms: bubonic and pneumonic. 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