Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Process Essay

How to Change a Flat Tire on a Busy Road. â€Å"Oh, no! Not a flat tire!† Does this sound familiar? People are often stranded on the side of the road wondering how to change a flat, not knowing that it is very simple process. Most people just call a tow truck and end up paying for something that they could have done by themselves. Most cars have a manual that describes how to change a flat tire. The following is the process of changing a flat tire on a busy road. You can easily be suckered into paying more than fifty dollars for having a towing company change a flat tire. You can save yourself money by doing it yourself. It is a simple process that takes less than half an hour. Most of the tools you need are already in your car. These tools include a jack, a tire iron, a spare tire, and road flares. The first step is to place the road flares. Flares are available at most department stores, and its good idea to carry them in the car. Setting flares makes the disabled car more visible, decreasing the chance of an accident while you are changing the tire. To properly place flares, you should use a set of four. Light the flares by following the directions on the package. After you light them, lay them on the ground to direct the traffic around the disabled car. Lay the first one about one hundred feet behind your car near the shoulder of the road. Set the rest of the flares in a straight line to the left rear of the disabled car, with the last one being about three feet from the driver’s side rear corner of your car on the white line. This will allow other drivers to see that there is an emergency and give them time to take the appropriate action. The next step is to begin the tire change. To do this, you must take the rest of the tools out of your car. The tire iron is probably in the trunk along with the spare tire. Then get the jack. Once you have all of the tools, take the tire iron, the bent piece of steel ... Free Essays on Process Essay Free Essays on Process Essay How to Change a Flat Tire on a Busy Road. â€Å"Oh, no! Not a flat tire!† Does this sound familiar? People are often stranded on the side of the road wondering how to change a flat, not knowing that it is very simple process. Most people just call a tow truck and end up paying for something that they could have done by themselves. Most cars have a manual that describes how to change a flat tire. The following is the process of changing a flat tire on a busy road. You can easily be suckered into paying more than fifty dollars for having a towing company change a flat tire. You can save yourself money by doing it yourself. It is a simple process that takes less than half an hour. Most of the tools you need are already in your car. These tools include a jack, a tire iron, a spare tire, and road flares. The first step is to place the road flares. Flares are available at most department stores, and its good idea to carry them in the car. Setting flares makes the disabled car more visible, decreasing the chance of an accident while you are changing the tire. To properly place flares, you should use a set of four. Light the flares by following the directions on the package. After you light them, lay them on the ground to direct the traffic around the disabled car. Lay the first one about one hundred feet behind your car near the shoulder of the road. Set the rest of the flares in a straight line to the left rear of the disabled car, with the last one being about three feet from the driver’s side rear corner of your car on the white line. This will allow other drivers to see that there is an emergency and give them time to take the appropriate action. The next step is to begin the tire change. To do this, you must take the rest of the tools out of your car. The tire iron is probably in the trunk along with the spare tire. Then get the jack. Once you have all of the tools, take the tire iron, the bent piece of steel ...

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